Lifestyle Curating & Body Well-Being



When the Sagittarius Moon bells in
the sound comes with whispers,
blessings and rides of laughters
hidden behind doors, sometimes we may gaze
into the windows of the adventure
that is a possibility in the sky
draw by hand and playful art
as the wisdom knows no borders
but only fun full love

Happy New Moon in Saggitarius

The last month of the calendar year
begins with a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius
The last eclipse of the year until next April of the upcoming 2022 year

Eclipse season is a whirlwind
a time to process
a time to say goodbye and hello
to many things
in order to shift
and gain the perspective what is necessarily and what is time to let go off.

As we communicate throughout this eclipse dark moon time
with our intuition and reflect
we know that clarity is welcoming us at the end of this month
just as the year will end.

Allow for grief
Allow for rest
Allow for shedding
and grounding in depth
to embody the unknown
as we swim along
Into the next year, phase and chapter of our lives.

It has been a nonlinear and uncomfortable ride so far
Things have come as a surprise, shock and we had to learn
over and over again
that truth can change
there is no constant
there is only you who can decide
what you in this moment believe in and what is best to uplift your soul
as we keep swimming into the process of life.

And now once more,
this is an invite
to find your way back home
to yourself
to your comfortable being in uncomfortable moments
to welcome the unknown
with grace and an attitude of gratitude
Because nobody knows
what tomorrow is handing you out
As we sit in stillness inside
we light a candle for this dark moon
and solar eclipse season that comes to an end
Making time now over those holidays
to reflect, release, envision and affirm
of what nobody knows is to come.

As I write you this
I allow myself to take a moment of shift
There will be changes
in the way I write to you
and I am excited
as all is still unknown

As I write you this
Be with me
I am grateful for every single person who read my words so far
There is more to come
as a wrapped up box
Who knows what it beholds

As I write you
I am reflecting and envisioning
that is all we need to connect
as we keep flowing with it
we get the blessings right sent into our hearts
the auric field is expended
Be ready
as the new year is full of surprises

As I write you this
I wish you take this moment
just for yourself and pack up what you have learnt
so we can use it and make it a brighter one

Love MM

keep in the loop over @moon_mama_magick to see my punctual classes
over December and january

as of February 2022 my membership program will pick up again

manuela marini