Lifestyle Curating & Body Well-Being



A moon
So full
A light
So bright
A time
So dark
A hunter
So magical
Steps out
To empower and envision
What only the darkness could witness
Before the light makes it clear to your eyesight

Happy Full Moon in Aries

The October Full Moon
Named after the Hunters Moon
Is a Moon where we initiate our true inner fire light
From Aries caught
We realise what we truly want
Where our power and magic lies
To start the fire our soul burns for

Notice in those darker moments of your life
How you can claim your dream life
How you can become more of what you are
How you can use the secret skills nobody else carries within
How you can shine your true light out

Write it down what you want
Be ready to hunt and risk both at once
Be courageous to live upon your desires
With integrity and honour
We take on the responsibility
To embody the fullest power
To use the deepest magic
That truly only shines
When we know and dare
To be who we are supposed to be

Love & Light


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manuela marini