Lifestyle Curating & Body Well-Being



A darkness after we celebrated the darkest day
A void after the void
A miracle of new in the sky
A moon where we ground deep
Whispering in the post winter solstice time

Happy New Moon
in Capricorn

There is not much to say
But to go deep into the depth of your inner journey
Where we are at now is the beginning of the beginnings
But just before we are in that spectrum of between
Where we end the year
We take this New Moon
As a grounding chance to reflect
Greet discomfort with softness
Notice all that has changed you through out this year
Growth is not always obvious
We may zoom out more to see the full depth of depth
The desires remain
That is a good thing

Count your blessings and sit down
Look around and summon it
How did you treat yourself all year round?
What have been the themes in the relationship you create to yourself?
Write down all still open desires and goals!
Where is your fertility growing to?
Where do you need more soil for soul food?
We question it all
We dare to write it all down
Stop playing small
We embrace our destiny
Ready to grow in many ways
Applaud for how far you have come
Recognise all your values you carry on with so much pride

If all fails
Be there
Count your blessings with gratitude for what is
We gather with loved ones
If Christmas or not
Do not work more than you live
Capricorn in soft tones spreads the magic of your home

Love MM

manuela marini