Lifestyle Curating & Body Well-Being



The maiden in you
Devoted to you
The virgin
The servant
Blessed to move within your body
To self love
And initiate
whatever has been burning before

Happy Full Moon in Virgo

On the 7th day
The moon shines bright
What a magic number
The Virgo has called in
To serve in the physical realm
A big clean up
Coming out of the darkness
Releasing old winter pain
Cleanse and Clean Up
To devote your purest self
To nobody else
Than yourself

All off the above
The Virgo calls in here
A matter of being with yourself
To see clearly
As the only voice you hear
The only breath you feel
Is the one of yourself
Moving with your body
To the sound of your vital powers
Soft as Mercury is in Pisces
As Fiery with Venus in Aries
We get the Virgo Blessings of the Moon
Experiencing the sensual download
What our physical bodies need
To clear the heavy load
Feeling light and refreshed
Before the moon turns dark again
And Aries comes in

Take this Virgo Moon
As a reminder of your good habits
Initiate it with a sensual touch
To reconnect to what your body is in need of
Move with sensuality to your sexuality
As like the Maiden
You do not depend on anyone else than yourself
Express your pleasure
In order to cleanse
To fully become the Goddess
Serving nobody else than your own divine self
As you now and can heal your body
Like nobody else can do

Love MM

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manuela marini