Lifestyle Curating & Body Well-Being



It has been a while
Since I last took such deep breath
Sometimes it feels as if I hold it in
For way to long
And as I release I realise how freeing it feels
To just breath

Happy Supermoon in Aquarius

In Leo season when the moon lights up high
With full power into the Aquarius sign
I know how certain I am of who I am and envision to be
I am a poet of life
With magic and love I nurture my babies
In all the motherhood duties
It is easily forgotten that the person behind all of it is me
In service I show up
Just as an Aquarius would nod correctly
I breath in the exhalations of my children
To hold the frequency of love and liberty as a high goal
Now with this super moon
I dare to expand my limits of beliefs again
And so shall you:
Stretch and innovate your true being
Allow to have what you feel you cannot
With grace to permit the best blueprint of your life
Feel of what you really want
Feel it to heal it

Even if you feel you have forgotten how to be yourself at times
In service to others
That is the best yoga you dare to share
Even if it has been quiet for a while
The path may be close than you think
And the stars will show their secrets as the moon energy lights up

Here and now under this super moon light
I journal with you on
What do I want?
Why do I want what I want?
What is it for ?
Do I dare to receive?
Do I dare to let go?
Am I ready to do what it takes to get what I want ?
Am I willing to become who I want to be?
Am I happy or could I be happy with what is just here right now as it is ?

May this be your inspiration to look within
Your wake up call to breath more deeply without holding it in
Your push to show up of how you want
Your motivation to do what it takes to create this life you romanticise about
Your reminder of how grateful you can be for all that you already got

With love and light

manuela marini