Lifestyle Curating & Body Well-Being



Amongs words of affirmation
I see you glow
In the beautiful twilight
The in-between moments of dark and light
Its a manifestation time
To communicate with all your heart
What you want
As long as you can hold the polarity of your desirable wants
Be aware what is on the other site of the coin
Clear and vibrant we hold
The joy of this spring almost summery moon
As the Moon and the Sun align
In Gemini

Happy New Moon

Gemini ruled by the planet Mercury
Communication is on our mind 24/7 naturally
Ideas flipper around
As we catch one we already hang onto another one
Eclectic and fun
Vibrant and illuminated
Just before the summer gets celebrated
We welcome this Gemini Moon and Sun
Every bright moment has a shaded side
The paradox of seeing our fears into the eyes if we get what we desirably want
Are you that witch?
So skilled that you are able to hold the space for dark and light at the same time?
Be clear of what you want
The manifestation of this new moon works
As long as you remember the challenge or compromise that comes with the positive outcome
Nothing comes from nothing
Show up
Be ready
Prepare for your success
Hold the sphere to attract your wants with no fear of the loss or tension it can hold

We allow an option under this Gemini Moon
The option to chose different
The option to change any moment in time
This option of choosing differing allows your freedom to expand
We break free from fear and control over the situation
We expand in our space we hold and enrich in the paradox beauty life gifts us
This is the gift of this New Moon in Gemini
Befriend your fears and anxieties
Let the other choice be an option
As both sides hold the truth of what life is about
The two sides are part of our most desired needs and wants
Dark and Light
As we dance in the middle of both sides
No side is better than the other
The perspective of different is the healing power
We hold and expand into


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manuela marini